Revue européenne et internationale de droit fiscal

Bibliothèque – Anglais


Europe an Commission, Tax Politicies en the European Union – 2016 Survey, Ed. Commission européenne, 2016, 76 pages.


HERBAIN Charlène Adline, VAT neutrality, Larcier, 2015, 344 pages.

Malherbe Philippe, Elements of international taxation, Bruylant, 2015, 194 pages.

MAILLARD-BJEDOV Tjaša, Three essays in public economics : fiscal decentralization, coordination and secessions, en cotutelle université Lumière Lyon 2 et de Fribourg (Suisse), (direction professeurs Marie-Claire Villeval et Thierry Madiès).
MEDRANO CAVIEDES Cecilia, Analyzing fiscal implementation gaps in Venezuela : the policy design of a new “rentier” architecture (2000-2010), Institut d’études politiques de Paris, (direction professeur Guillaume Fontaine).


Eurostat, Taxation trends in the European Union. Data for the European union Member States, Iceland and Norway, Ed. Publications office of the European Union, 2014, 308 pages.

OCDE, Neutralsing the effects of hybrid mismatch arrangements, Ed. OCDE, 2014, 100 pages.

OCDE, Guidance on transfer pricing aspects of intangibles, Ed. OCDE, 2014, 132 pages.

OCDE, Addressing the tax challenges of the digital economy, Ed. OCDE, 2014, 200 pages.OCDE, Developping a multilateral instrument to modify bilateral tax treaties, Ed. OCDE, 2014, 64 pages.

OCDE, Countering harmful tax praticies more effectively taking into account transparency and substance, Ed. OCDE, 2014, 68 pages.

OCDE,  Trends in income inequality and its impact on economic growth, Ed. OCDE, 2014, 65 pages.


OCDE. Evading the net : tax crime in the fisheries sector, Ed. OCDE, 2013, 51 pages.

OCDE. Effective inter : agency co-operation in fichting tax crime and other financial crimes, Ed. OCDE, 2013, 51 pages.


MONSENEGO Jérôme, “Taxation of foreign business income within the european internal market, en cotutelle université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et Stockholm school of econimics (direction professeur Daniel Gutmann).


Martin Issac William, The permanent tax revolt. How the property tax transformed american politics. Stanford university press, 2008, 264 pages

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